Twitter, Bloomberg team up for streaming news channel

Twitter is launching a 24-hour streaming news channel in partnership with the Bloomberg Media, in a…

Twitter, Bloomberg team up for streaming news channel

Twitter is launching a 24-hour streaming news channel in partnership with the Bloomberg news agency, in…

Team discovers a new invasive clam in the US

They found it in the Illinois River near the city of Marseilles, Illinois, about 80 miles…

Team discovers a new invasive clam in the US

They found it in the Illinois River near the city of Marseilles, Illinois, about 80 miles…

Detecting walking speed with wireless signals

We've long known that breathing, blood pressure, body temperature and pulse provide an important window into…

Detecting walking speed with wireless signals

We've long known that breathing, blood pressure, body temperature and pulse provide an important window into…

‘Valleytronics’ advancement could help extend Moore’s Law

In the world of semiconductor physics, the goal is to devise more efficient and microscopic ways…

‘Valleytronics’ advancement could help extend Moore’s Law

In the world of semiconductor physics, the goal is to devise more efficient and microscopic ways…

Innovative Manufacturing of Launch Vehicle Structures – Integrally Stiffened Cylinder Process

Abstract: Reducing launch costs is essential to ensuring the success of NASA's visions for planetary exploration…

SpaceX launches ‘spy satellite’ from Florida

A SpaceX Falcon 9 has launched a classified military satellite - known only as NROL-76 -…