Physicists breeding Schroedinger cat states

Physicists have learned how they could breed Schrödinger cats in optics. Scientists tested a method that…

The gene that starts it all

The formation of a human embryo starts with the fertilization of the oocyte by the sperm…

Plant cell walls’ stretch-but-don’t-break growth more complex than once thought

Plant cell wall growth is typically described as a simple process, but researchers using a microscope…

When single-family homes killed L.A.’s urban forest

Plant a tree, save the world?

SimRadar: A polarimetric radar time-series simulator for tornadic debris studies

A University of Oklahoma research team with the Advanced Radar Research Center has developed the first…

Servers perceive well-dressed diners as better tippers, study finds

With tipping a central part of the American restaurant industry, better service often is attributed to…

As scientists take to Twitter, study shows power of ‘visual abstract’ graphics

When it comes to sharing new research findings with the world, Twitter has emerged as a…

On the Evolution of the Inner Disk Radius with Flux in the Neutron Star Low-mass X-Ray Binary Serpens X-1

Abstract: We analyze the latest Suzaku observation of the bright neutron star (NS) low-mass X-ray binary…

Apocenter Glow in Eccentric Debris Disks: Implications for Fomalhaut and Epsilon Eridani

Abstract: Debris disks often take the form of eccentric rings with azimuthal asymmetries in surface brightness.…

Magnitude-6.2 earthquake rattles corner of Canada, Alaska

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-6.2 earthquake has rattled the corner of British Columbia, near…