Oil and water may mix under extreme pressure

They say that oil and water do not mix … but now scientists have discovered that…

New study provides high-resolution insights into plants’ light harvesting process under low light

Photosynthesis is a biological process mediating the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy. Oxygenic photosynthesis…

Tides stabilize deltas until humans interfere

Human interference in river deltas is massive. And despite global concerns about river delta degradation, human…

Image: Hurricane Harvey viewed from the cupola of the International Space Station

On August 25, 2017, NASA astronaut Jack Fischer photographed Hurricane Harvey from the cupola module aboard…

Using four-dimensional electron microscopy to track diffusion of nanoparticles in a liquid

A team of researchers at Caltech has developed a way to capture on film the superfast…

A clockwork rover for venus

A good watch can take a beating and keep on ticking. With the right parts, can…

Astronomers take first radio look for habitability of distant planets

UWM astronomer David Kaplan and colleagues have begun a radio search for the magnetic fields of…

NASA’s asteroid sample return mission successfully adjusts course

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft fired its thrusters to position itself on the correct course for its upcoming…

Is Hurricane Harvey a harbinger for Houston’s future?

Over the past week we have seen two major tropical storms devastate different parts of the…

As oceans alkalized, life developed bones and shells

A critical feature of many multicellular lifeforms on Earth are hard, biological structures, such as animal…