Flux Cancelation as the Trigger of Quiet-Region Coronal Jet Eruptions

Abstract: Coronal jets are frequent magnetically channeled narrow eruptions. They occur in various solar environments: quiet…

Evidence from IRIS that Sunspot Large Penumbral Jets Spin

Abstract: Recent observations from Hinode (SOT/FG) revealed the presence of large penumbral jets (widths = 500…

Climate change seen as cause for mudslide in Switzerland

CLASP2: The Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter

Abstract: A major remaining challenge for heliophysicsis to decipher the magnetic structure of the chromosphere, due…

Transient Thermal Analyses of Passive Systems on SCEPTOR X-57

Abstract: As efficiency, emissions, and noise become increasingly prominent considerations in aircraft design, turning to an…

DLA Distribution, MSC partnership enables annual Thule resupply

As the temperature soared into the mid-90’s in Norfolk, DLA Distribution employees raced a deadline to…

Managing water resources

The need to grow food for an increasing population places huge demands on our limited water…

Managing water resources

The need to grow food for an increasing population places huge demands on our limited water…

Link Adaptation for Mitigating Earth-To-Space Propagation Effects on the NASA SCaN Testbed

Abstract: In Earth-to-Space communications, well-known propagation effects such as path loss and atmospheric loss can lead…

Cyclones and climate change: connecting the dots

Scientists freely acknowledge they don't know everything about how global warming affects hurricanes like the one…