ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/24/2017

Miniature Exercise Device (MED-2):  The crew set up cameras in Node 3 and Cupola to capture…

Bleats and trills evolved multiple times to aid in ‘caller ID’

Sheep, giant pandas, mouse lemurs, capybaras, and fur seals all have something in common when it…

Bleats and trills evolved multiple times to aid in ‘caller ID’

Sheep, giant pandas, mouse lemurs, capybaras, and fur seals all have something in common when it…

Viewers who tweet during presidential debates learn more about political issues

Politics and Twitter now seem inseparable, especially with politicians tweeting increasingly to connect with their supporters.…

Viewers who tweet during presidential debates learn more about political issues

Politics and Twitter now seem inseparable, especially with politicians tweeting increasingly to connect with their supporters.…

Video: The spacefaring power of… pee?

Space scientists have to take advantage of all the materials available to them on a deep-space…

Video: The spacefaring power of… pee?

Space scientists have to take advantage of all the materials available to them on a deep-space…

Software Verification of Orion Cockpit Displays

Abstract: NASA's latest spacecraft Orion is in the development process of taking humans deeper into space.…

Shopping by voice on Amazon or Google device could cost you

NEW YORK (AP) -- In the name of convenience, Amazon and Walmart are pushing people to…

Shopping by voice on Amazon or Google device could cost you

NEW YORK (AP) -- In the name of convenience, Amazon and Walmart are pushing people to…