Flood capital

The reasons why the fourth-largest city in the US has become its flood capital.

Iron carbonates in Earth’s mantle help form diamonds

Under the peculiar conditions present deep in the Earth's mantle, iron carbonates can play a role…

Hyperloop pod breaks own high-speed record

More tests next month might mean the pods for the science-fictional transport system hit 500 km/h

Moon’s tidal stress likely responsible for causing deep moonquakes, new study confirms

The same gravitational force responsible for creating tides on Earth could be causing deep quakes on…

New design lets micro-clock resonators ring like a bell

You can't hear most of them, but the world is running on different kinds of mechanical…

Controlling traffic on the electron highway—researching graphene

On an otherwise normal day in the lab, Eva Andrei didn't expect to make a major…

Robots won’t steal our jobs if we put workers at center of AI revolution

The technologies driving artificial intelligence are expanding exponentially, leading many technology experts and futurists to predict…

How transit affects job seekers—the first and last mile to the station make all the difference

The way that public transit riders reach their nearest stop to home could make an important…

Emotionless chatbots are taking over customer service – and it’s bad news for consumers

It's so hard to speak to a real person on the phone these days. Almost any…

NASA scientists seek to improve sea ice predictions

Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is in a downward spiral, with summer minimum extents about…