Wolf behaviour undeterred by tailings ponds and pit mines

Wolves do not avoid areas of human disturbance when hunting moose in Alberta's oil sands region.

Researchers propose how the universe became filled with light

Soon after the Big Bang, the universe went completely dark. The intense, seminal event that created…

When it comes to looking for jobs, it’s not how many you know, but how well you know them

While online networking sites enable individuals to increase their professional connections, to what extent do these…

ALMA finds huge hidden reservoirs of turbulent gas in distant galaxies

A team led by Edith Falgarone (Ecole Normale Supérieure and Observatoire de Paris, France) has used…

Hope for improving protection of the reticulated python

Trading in skins of the reticulated python is such a lucrative business that illegal exports are…

Breakthrough Listen Detects Repeating Fast Radio Bursts from the Distant Universe

Breakthrough Listen - the initiative to find signs of intelligent life in the universe - has…

Breakthrough Listen Detects Repeating Fast Radio Bursts from the Distant Universe

Breakthrough Listen - the initiative to find signs of intelligent life in the universe - has…

A slam dunk for women head coaches—so drop the bias

Having a man in charge of a US female basketball league team does not necessarily translate…

Triceratops skull, skeleton dug up in Colorado

A dinosaur fossil has been discovered in Colorado by construction workers.

Private companies drive ‘new space race’ at NASA center

For the first time since the retirement of the space shuttle in 2011, NASA says it…