More research needed on effects of maternal stress in wild animals

If a human mother is stressed while pregnant, research shows her child is much more likely…

Greenpeace steps up protest against Polish forest logging

Some 50 environmental activists blocked logging equipment and vehicles Thursday in Poland's ancient Bialowieza forest, as…

Apply to Be a NASA Solar System Ambassador

Could you be one of them? If you want to share your passion of space with…

Apply to Be a NASA Solar System Ambassador

Could you be one of them? If you want to share your passion of space with…

Category Two Hurricane Irma forms in eastern Atlantic

Hurricane Irma has formed in the eastern Atlantic as a Category Two storm, just days after…

Professors get $300,000 grant for digital fake-news detector

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. (AP) -- Two Penn State professors have received $300,000 from the National Science…

Professors get $300,000 grant for digital fake-news detector

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. (AP) -- Two Penn State professors have received $300,000 from the National Science…

Explosions rock flood-crippled chemical plant near Houston

Explosions and fires rocked a flood-crippled chemical plant near Houston early Thursday, sending up a plume…

Suicide prevention month: stopping suicide is everyone’s battle

September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time for Americans to build awareness and help understand

Pinpointing the sources of trans-Pacific dust

Airborne dust from Asia travels across the Pacific passport-free, carrying pollution, building soil, and coloring sunsets…