Scientists map the earliest Icelandic genome

Around 870 CE, Norsemen crossed the North Atlantic to reach Iceland, which they spent the next…

Stable isotopes suggest earliest tetrapods were euryhaline creatures

A team of researchers from several institutions in France and China has found evidence that some…

Quantum is key to securing blockchain, say researchers

Although blockchain is traditionally seen as secure, it is vulnerable to attack from quantum computers.

Seal injured by plastic and rope off Norfolk coast

The RSPCA says the grey seal nearly died after being found with rope and plastic around…

Plant scientists use big data to map stress responses in corn

Plant scientists at Iowa State University have completed a new study that describes the genetic pathways…

Farmers drop organic labels over certification process, access to markets, study says

Midwestern fruit and vegetable farmers are more likely than their counterparts in other regions to give…

Image: Exposed bedrock on the Red Planet’s hale crater

This image from MRO, NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, shows the Red Planet's Hale Crater, a large…

NASA invested in cracking Earth’s carbon puzzle

It's a scientific conundrum with huge implications for our future: How will our planet react to…

Multiple metals – and possible signs of water – found in unique exoplanet

An international team of researchers has identified 'fingerprints' of multiple metals in one of the least…

Precomputing Process Noise Covariance for Onboard Sequential Filters

Abstract: Process noise is often used in estimation filters to account for unmodeled and mismodeled accelerations…