How Brazil can beat the odds and restore a huge swathe of the Amazon

Over the past few decades the international community has watched as the destruction of Earth's largest…

How Brazil can beat the odds and restore a huge swathe of the Amazon

Over the past few decades the international community has watched as the destruction of Earth's largest…

How ageing populations could boost economic productivity

People are generally living longer than previous generations across most parts of the world. Rising life…

How ageing populations could boost economic productivity

People are generally living longer than previous generations across most parts of the world. Rising life…

How Africa’s largest city is failing its older people

Urbanisation is spreading across Africa at great speed. Projections suggest that more than half of the…

How Africa’s largest city is failing its older people

Urbanisation is spreading across Africa at great speed. Projections suggest that more than half of the…

Three ways making a smartphone can harm the environment

Nearly five billion people worldwide will use a smartphone by 2020. Each device is made up…

Three ways making a smartphone can harm the environment

Nearly five billion people worldwide will use a smartphone by 2020. Each device is made up…

Beavers have an impact on the climate

Growing beaver populations have created a large number of new habitats along rivers and ponds. Beaver…

Beavers have an impact on the climate

Growing beaver populations have created a large number of new habitats along rivers and ponds. Beaver…