Evolution of Fundamental Technologies for Future Electrified Aircraft

Abstract: Gradual progression of electric and hybrid electric aircraft from small planes to large planes will…

Surprising hidden order unites prime numbers and crystal-like materials

The seemingly random digits known as prime numbers are not nearly as scattershot as previously thought.…

Current EBC Development and Testing at NASA [STUB]

Abstract: SiC SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) are a game changer for advanced power generation equipment…

Black hole disks may be hiding in the centers of galaxies

Galactic nuclei are teeming with black holes. Earlier this year, 12 X-ray binaries were discovered at…

Aeolus laser shines light on wind

Following the launch of Aeolus on 22 August, this extraordinary satellite's instrument has been turned on…

Elucidating the Chara genome: Implications for emergence of land plants in Paleozoic era

Charophyceae, relatives of land plants, have genomes that present important information to understand how land plants…

Wind turbines could cover 40 percent of the current electricity consumption in Germany

Wind power is an important pillar in Germany's energy policy turnaround: According to the German government,…

Bees coordinate strategy for defending colony, study reveals

The Brazilian stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula (jataí in Portuguese) deploys a different strategy for defending its…

A step ahead in pharmaceutical research

Hormones and other neurotransmitters, but also drugs, act upon receptors. "Their active substances bind to the…

Building 3-D atomic structures atom by atom using lasers

A team of researchers at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France has developed…