At last, a simple 3-D printer for metal

Used to produce three-dimensional objects of almost any type, across a range of industries, including healthcare,…

California leads on sustainability innovation while Trump digs coal

Last week, the California legislature voted to move to completely decarbonize its electric grid by 2045.…

Fossil teeth show how reptiles adapted to change

Marine predators that lived in deep waters during the Jurassic Period thrived as sea levels rose,…

Veiled supernovae provide clue to stellar evolution

At the end of its life, a red supergiant star explodes in a hydrogen-rich supernova. By…

Physicists produce extremely short and specifically shaped electron pulses for materials studies

Matter is made up of atoms and electrons. Although seeing atoms is now possible, for example…

Reducing nitrogen inputs prevents algal blooms in lakes

For decades, experts have debated whether reducing the amount of nitrogen flowing into lakes can improve…

Victorians enjoyed rudimentary version of Netflix, new research shows

Victorian families were able to enjoy their own version of Netflix by utilising an early form…

3-D models from cheap video cameras

Hannes Ovrén shows in his doctoral thesis in computer vision at Linköping University how 3-D models…

Simulations reveal role of calcium in titanium implant acceptance

Titanium-based materials are widely used in medical implant technology. Coating the surface of titanium materials with…

Study says coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef not limited to shallow depths

A new study demonstrates that the recent mass coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef was…