‘Children belong in the suburbs’—with more families in apartments, such attitudes are changing

Australian cities are growing rapidly. Echoing international trends, higher-density housing will accommodate much of this growth…

Bogs are unique records of history – here’s why

Peat bogs, which cover 3% of the world's land surface, are special places. While historically often…

How to detect a sinkhole – before it swallows you up

It comes as quite a shock when the ground beneath your feet, your house or your…

Slip-sliding away…

In the cell nucleus, the genomic DNA is packaged into a tightly condensed form, which is…

Mechanical properties of viral DNA determine the course of infection

A new study reveals a previously unknown mechanism that governs whether viruses that infect bacteria will…

Saturn’s famous hexagon may tower above the clouds

The long-lived international Cassini mission has revealed a surprising feature emerging at Saturn's northern pole as…

Research helps make buses smarter

A rather unusual trolleybus has been navigating the streets of Zurich in recent months. With its…

Machine learning, and how it helps researchers make scientific discoveries much faster

Jillian Buriak and her team spent years developing cost-effective plastic solar cells that can be printed…

The rise of machine learning in astronomy

When mapping the universe, it pays to have some smart programming. Experts share how machine learning…

Discovery aids disease elimination efforts

Researchers at the University of Dundee have identified a new drug target in parasites that cause…