Cable cars could ease Australian traffic woes

Sections of cities all over the world are being demolished to meet increasing demand for transport…

Should writers only write what they know? What I learned from my research

As an academic in creative writing, I attend a lot of literary events. One question I…

How we showed Homer’s Odyssey is not pure fiction, with a little help from Facebook

When you look at networks of people, whether it's architects or table tennis players or a…

Want to solve the world’s problems? Try working together across disciplines

Labor Day is our New Year's Eve. Rather than vowing to lose weight or spend less…

The beginning of a revolution in packaging

Humankind has already produced more than eight billion tons of plastic. Every year, we add another…

Predicting the magnetic properties of materials

Permanent magnets used in electric cars and wind turbines currently contain rare earth metals. Reducing the…

Pandemic prevention at airports

Global air travel isn't restricted to people and goods – infectious agents, too, can make their…

New wood-metal hybrid for lightweight construction

Wood foam and metal sponge – can they be combined? That was the question that experts…

Machine learning algorithm automatically sorts zebrafish eggs

Zebrafish possess almost all of the same genes we humans do—and that makes their eggs the…

Environmentally friendly and efficient propane-burning heat pump

Heat pumps use environmental energy to provide us with heat. However, they generally require synthetic refrigerants,…