NASA to Televise Two Spacewalks, Preview Briefing

Astronauts on the International Space Station will conduct spacewalks Friday, Oct. 19, and Thursday, Oct. 25,…

New York City area wetlands may be unwitting generator of greenhouse gasses

New York City (NYC), located within the Hudson River Estuary, inputs over 100 billion liters of…

Google appeals record EU fine over Android

Google on Tuesday appealed the biggest ever anti-trust fine by the EU, which imposed a 4.34…

NASA checks out Hurricane Sergio’s cloud temperature

NASA's Aqua satellite peered into Hurricane Sergio with infrared light to determine if the storm was…

Intense microwave pulse ionizes its own channel through plasma

Breakthrough new research shows that ionization-induced self-channeling of a microwave beam can be achieved at a…

Diamond technology cleans up PFAS-contaminated wastewater

More than 1.5 million Michigan residents and potentially more than hundreds of sites nationwide—and counting—have PFAS-tainted…

Painting Cars for Mars

JPL's paint shop does 1,000 jobs a year. While every piece of spacecraft that comes through…

Painting Cars for Mars

JPL's paint shop does 1,000 jobs a year. While every piece of spacecraft that comes through…

NASA gets tropical storm Leslie by the tail

What appears to be a long tail in satellite imagery of Tropical Storm Leslie is in…

Louisiana amphibian shows unique resistance to global disease

Amphibian populations around the world are declining due to a skin disease caused by fungus. However,…