Reconstructing the history of mankind with the help of fecal sterols

It is now possible to tell the story of mankind's presence and evolution on the planet…

Your brain on space—the overview effect

Space travel is like a drug—and it could save the rest of us down here on…

Toxic workplaces are feeding the impostor phenomenon – here’s why

Research suggests that around 70% of people will experience an illogical sense of being a phoney…

Becoming promiscuous to ensure reproduction

Females of a socially monogamous passerine, the Japanese great tit (Parus minor), become more promiscuous after…

Talking about sex is awkward, so how can teenagers ‘just ask’ for consent?

The topic of sexual consent seems to be in the news on a daily basis, especially…

A warmer climate will also be a drier climate, with negative impacts on forest growth

Warmer temperatures brought on by climate change will lead to drier soils and reduce tree photosynthesis…

Disorder can stabilize batteries

Novel materials can considerably improve storage capacity and cycling stability of rechargeable batteries. Among these materials…

Meet the trillions of viruses that make up your virome

If you think you don't have viruses, think again.

The many structures of the light-active biomolecules

How the light-sensitive part of the biomolecule phytochrome changes from a light-adapted state to a dark-adapted…

Joining forces

Replay the livestream of the Global Space Economic Forum on 10 October at ESA's Technology centre…