ATV docking ring

The docking ring used by ESA’s Automated Transfer Vehicle cargo spacecraft for five missions to the…

Stavanger, Norway

The rugged coastal landscape of Stavanger in southwest Norway, with its distinctive rocks and hills was captured…

Making for Mercury

Tales from the Materials and Electrical Component Lab: this video covers the selection of materials for…

Comet on 20 July 2016 – OSIRIS narrow-angle camera

OSIRIS wide-angle camera image taken on 20 July 2016, when Rosetta was 9.1 km from the…

Hadley Rille on the Moon, seen by SMART-1

This strangely meandering channel, carved on the Moon, is one of the most famous features on…

ESA Euronews: Canada’s robot masters

Robots are an essential companion to mankind in space, and many of the modern-day masters of…

Earth from Space: Tonga

Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. Discover the…


The island of Tongatapu and the nearby smaller islands – all part of the Kingdom of…

ESA-RAL Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory

Located on the UK Space Gateway, Harwell Campus, the ESA-RAL Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory provides expertise and…

Shakedown test

Technology image of the week: shaker testing of a radiator panel to ensure hard-working telecommunication satellites…