Astrophysicists catalog all known planet-hosting, three-star systems

A planetary physicist at The University of Texas at Arlington is the lead author of a…

More efforts are needed to protect orchids in karst forests

Karst forests develop in a karst landform, and have complex vegetation types and high biodiversity, and…

Research shows remote students more likely to experience identity-based bullying

High school and middle school students in remote learning environments are more likely to be exposed…

How to get people to pay their taxes, according to research

Government officials can do the math and figure out how much taxation they need to cover…

Introverted leaders in the spotlight: Dispelling misconceptions

A review in the International Journal of Management Development has highlighted the crucial role of personality…

Harnessing the potential of pineapple stem starch film as a biodegradable packaging material

A group of researchers from universities in Thailand and Malaysia have collaborated to develop a unique…

How eating natto might increase stress tolerance and longevity

Health is wealth as the saying goes and new research now shows that it is possible…

Using nature to fight rising seas

Picture Boston Harbor, a few years from now. The East Boston Greenway, a leafy urban trail,…

Hybrid bound states in the continuum in terahertz metasurfaces

The quality factor (Q) is a critical parameter that characterizes the strength of light-matter interactions. Cavities…

Non-contact microsphere ultrafast laser nanopatterning technology

In recent decades, the development of nano-fabrication technology is driven by the need to increase the…