Moon mystery could be solved by simulation of planetary smash-up

The moon is thought to have been created in a violent collision, and a new simulation…

Curiosity rover discovers diverse cache of organic minerals on Mars

Organic molecules and clay minerals found in Gale Crater could be a sign of ancient Martian…

Perseverance rover measures speed of sound on Mars for the first time

Using a laser to strike rocks and a built-in microphone, NASA’s Perseverance rover has measured changes…

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter has captured over 2200 photographs of Mars

The helicopter is providing scientists with information about Mars, reaching places the Perseverance rover cannot traverse …

China’s Zhurong Mars rover finds hints landscape was shaped by water

The first reported findings from China’s Mars rover suggest the plain it is exploring was shaped…

NASA funds experimental radiation shield and Mars climbing robot

Several futuristic projects have just been awarded money through NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts programme – here…

OneWeb 'surprised' by Russian demands over satellite launch

UK officials refused to sell shares in satellite firm OneWeb in response to demands by Russia,…

Russia and UK face a stand-off over OneWeb satellite rocket launch

Satellites made by OneWeb, a firm part-owned by the UK government, are due to launch on…

Astronauts on Mars might trip up less if they can hear their footsteps

Spacesuits tend to muffle sounds, but hearing our footsteps may provide useful cues about our environment…

Our closest black hole is actually just one star eating another

Two years ago, astronomers thought they had seen signs of a black hole 1000 light years…