Why it is so important to protect access to the dark night sky

The night sky has wowed people since the dawn of time, but it is becoming increasingly…

Solar panels in space could help power the UK by 2039, claims report

Solar power beamed from satellites could provide the UK with a continuous supply of green energy…

Astronomers may have spotted a new spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy

Researchers have found a colossal filament of gas called Cattail at the edge of the galaxy…

NASA’s Perseverance rover took its first Mars sample – but it’s empty

The Perseverance Mars rover made its first sampling attempt on 6 August but the sample tube…

Mercury has almost no boulders on its surface and we're not sure why

Researchers examined about 3000 of the best images we have of the planet Mercury, and only…

Ancient lake in Mars’s Gale crater may have actually been a small pond

Gale crater, which NASA’s Curiosity rover has been exploring for the past eight years, was thought…

The moon may never actually have had a strong magnetic field

We used to think that the moon had a strong magnetic field like Earth’s, but a…

Don't Miss: UFO docuseries hunts for origins of our alien obsession

New Scientist’s weekly round-up of the best books, films, TV series, games and more that you…

How to spot the spectacular Perseids meteor shower

Meteor showers dazzle the night sky, but the Perseids shower is special. It peaks on 12…

How to watch the spectacular Perseids meteor shower

Meteor showers dazzle the night sky, but the Perseids shower is special. It peaks on 12…