Toward lasers powerful enough to investigate a new kind of physics

In a paper that made the cover of the journal Applied Physics Letters, an international team…

UK government wins bid for OneWeb satellite firm

A government-backed group is set to pull broadband firm out of bankruptcy to help deliver sat-nav…

More ecosystem engineers create stability, preventing extinctions

Biological builders like beavers, elephants, and shipworms re-engineer their environments. How this affects their ecological network…

Sea turtles find protection from Senegal fishermen

In a classic case of “poacher turning gamekeeper”, the fishermen of Senegal have joined forces to…

Taking the measure of noise pollution during COVID lockdown

Samuel Challeat was riding his bike in the city of Toulouse in the hours before France’s…

Let me flow: Bosnians wage war on mini hydro plants

Looking out over the clear cascades of the Neretvica river in the heart of Bosnia, Safet…

Boris Johnson's newt-counting claim questioned

The PM is accused of inventing an allegation that wildlife rules are holding back house-building. …

Birds of a feather

The spiral pattern shown by the galaxy in this image from theĀ NASA/ESA Hubble Space TelescopeĀ is striking…

Earth from Space: Ari Atoll, Maldives

In this week’s edition of the Earth from Space programme, we explore the Maldives with Copernicus…

Ari Atoll, Maldives

Image: The Maldives are featured in this image captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission. …