Green is more than skin-deep for hundreds of frog species

Frogs and toads are green for a very good reason—it makes them harder to see in…

Grant Imahara: Mythbusters TV host dies suddenly at 49

He was known for Mythbusters and White Rabbit Project, and made models for the Star Wars…

Study finds that special filters in glasses can help the color blind see colors better

A new UC Davis Eye Center study, conducted in collaboration with France’s INSERM Stem Cell and…

Predation by Caspian terns on young steelhead means fewer return as adults

Caspian terns feeding on young fish have a significant impact on runs of steelhead in the…

Breakthrough in deciphering birth of supermassive black holes

A research team led by Cardiff University scientists say they are closer to understanding how a…

Space to grow, or grow in space—how vertical farms could be ready to take-off

Vertical farms with their soil-free, computer-controlled environments may sound like sci-fi. But there is a growing…

COVID-19 pandemic could be learning opportunity for middle-grade students

Educators could use the COVID-19 outbreak to help middle-schoolers better understand the world, according to new…

How the United Arab Emirates Set Its Sights on Mars

The Hope orbiter will make contributions to research on the red planet, but the Emirati government…

[release] JAXA-the Australian Space Agency Joint Statement for Cooperation in the Hayabusa2 Sample Return Mission

Dr. Hiroshi Yamakawa, President, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Dr. Megan Cla …

Cosmic Cataclysm Allows Precise Test of General Relativity

In 2019, the MAGIC telescopes detected the first Gamma Ray Burst at very high energies. …