Researchers create global arsenic-in-groundwater maps to highlight threats

A pair of researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology has created…

Rich and poor don't recover equally from epidemics: Rebuilding fairly is a global challenge

Since the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, disaster recovery plans are almost always framed with aspirational…

Scientists demonstrate new wavelength shift with diode-pumped continuous-wave Yb:CALGO laser

In 1960, Maiman’s first demonstration of the ruby laser initiated the beginning of the laser era.…

Space Force is starting to train its soldiers to fight… in space?

On February 19, 2019, the U.S. Space Force (USSF) was officially created with the signing of…

ATLAS telescope discovers first-of-its-kind asteroid

An extraordinary asteroid with comet-like features has researchers puzzled. Click here for original story,…

World's fastest internet speed from a single optical chip

A research team has recorded the world’s fastest internet speed from a single optical chip of…

Discovery about the edge of fusion plasma could help realize fusion power

Unique simulations reveal new understanding of the highly complex edge of fusion plasmas. Click…

Children with COVID-19 may have lower infectivity than adults, UK scientists say

Children have milder COVID-19 symptoms than adults and the balance of evidence suggests they may also…

Window view during a AirZeroG parabola

This video shows the view through one of the windows of Novespace’s A310 AirZeroG aircraft as…

Week in images: 18-22 May 2020

Week in images: 18-22 May 2020 Discover our week through the lens Click…