Quantum brakes in molecules

Physicists have measured the flight times of electrons emitted from a specific atom in a molecule…

Dock and harbor: A novel mechanism for controlling genes

The genetic information within cells makes individuals unique. The cell nucleus has a complex structure that…

Generating color 3-D images with designed reflective metasurfaces under incoherent illumination

As part of an international collaboration with Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen (China),…

The observation of photon-assisted tunneling signatures in Majorana wires

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen and Microsoft Quantum Lab Copenhagen have recently carried out a…

Presence of spouse alters how parents' brains react to children stimuli

A study has revealed how the physical presence of spouses who are co-parenting can alter each…

World-first saliva test detects hidden throat cancer

A series of saliva HPV tests detected an asymptomatic throat cancer during a trial of a…

A new imaging approach to see multiple proteins simultaneously

Researchers from Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) have developed an innovative method to…

New insights into early embryonic development

The majority of pregnancies that fail do so at a very early developmental stage, before the…

Newly reprocessed images of Europa make the icy moon even more interesting

Jupiter’s moon Europa is the smoothest object in the Solar System. There are no mountains, very…

Longer growing seasons have a limited effect on combating climate change

Climate warming is leading to early springs and delayed autumns in colder environments, allowing plants to…