What is the quantum apocalypse and should we be scared?

Security experts say a quantum computing leap could crack open all our secrets – so should…

NIF: US lab takes further step towards nuclear fusion goal

US physicists confirm that they have achieved a stage in nuclear fusion called “burning plasma”. …

Elon Musk SpaceX rocket on collision course with moon

Astronomers say that a rocket in space since 2015 is hurtling towards the moon where it…

Climate change: Key crops face major shifts as world warms

Global warming will alter the areas suitable to grow key crops like coffee, cashews and avocados. …

Winter Olympics: Will the Beijing Games be 'green and clean'?

China is promising a greener Winter Olympics, although critics are not sure if it can deliver. …

Toxic 'forever chemicals' found in British otters

Toxic chemicals used in non-stick saucepans are found in otters across England and Wales. …

Climate change threatening buried UK treasures

Our ability to understand of Britain’s history is at risk, warn archaeologists. Click here…

Hippos can recognise their friends' voices

Wild hippos honk to each other and can recognise their companions’ voices, a study has found. …

Climate change: 'Fragile win' at COP26 summit under threat

Alok Sharma warns that unless there’s swift action this year, progress made at COP26 will be…

Georgia scientist shooting was 'senseless act'

Matthew Willson was killed by a stray bullet that travelled through a wall. Click…