When the brain switches from hearing to listening

What happens in the brain when simply hearing becomes listening? To answer this question, researchers have…

Evidence for shared earthquakes between San Andreas and San Jacinto faults

The San Andreas and San Jacinto faults have ruptured simultaneously at least three times in the…

A spacecraft has 'touched' the sun for the first time

On April 28, 2021, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe reached the sun’s extended solar atmosphere, known as…

MDA announces CHORUS™ as the name of its next market-leading commercial Earth Observation mission

MDA announces CHORUS™ as the name of its next market-leading commercial Earth Observation mission …

Orbital Insight Unveils Multiclass Object Detection Algorithms for Ships, Aircraft and Vehicles

Orbital Insight Unveils Multiclass Object Detection Algorithms for Ships, Aircraft and Vehicles Click here…

For children, young adults with recurrent AML, immunotherapy shows promise

Researchers have shown, in a small clinical trial, that an immunotherapy harnessing pre-activated natural killer cells…

Physics of coral as an indicator of reef health

New research shows that physics measurements of just a small portion of reef can be used…

How we measure the effects of methane matters for climate policy

An international team of researchers explored how focusing either on the short- or long-term warming effects…

Deepest images yet of Milky Way's supermassive black hole

Astronomers have obtained the deepest and sharpest images to date of the region around the supermassive…

Researchers develop platform to screen for new class of coronavirus antiviral compounds

A new high-throughput platform screens for drug compounds that hit a target found in human and…