Extraterrestrial impacts may have triggered 'bursts' of plate tectonics

When—and how—the Earth’s surface evolved from a hot, primordial mush into a rocky planet continually resurfaced…

A gender lens is essential to sustaining peace: Evidence from Mozambique

Despite decades of relative peace and recent efforts to promote gender equality, women and girls in…

Glass from a 3-D printer

ETH researchers used a 3-D printing process to produce complex and highly porous glass objects. The…

Chicken embryo model allows researchers to assess toxicity of environmental pollutants

New research spearheaded by scientists at McGill University reports that exposing chicken embryos, a model of…

Are we looking for happiness in all the wrong places?

If only we could win millions on the lottery—or failing that, at least convince our boss…

Human migration out of Africa may have followed monsoons in the Middle East

Last year, scientists announced that a human jawbone and prehistoric tools found in 2002 in Misliya…

Study: How we interact with animals sheds light on American social inequality

To Katja Guenther, animals—and how we interact with them—can tell us a lot more about ourselves…

Landslides in Kenya – November 2019

Unusually heavy rains triggered landslides in northwestern Kenya. At least 60 people were killed and seven…

NASA Scientist to Discuss “Space Lasers and Satellite Measurements” at Library of Congress Lecture

The public is invited to a free lecture titled “Space Lasers and Satellite Measurements: Ushering in…

ESA Technology brochure

ESA Technology brochure This new brochure recounts ESA’s new Technology Strategy for space R&D into the…