Frustration explains differences in superconductivity in molecular conductors and cuprates

A significant difference between the superconductivity in two important unconventional superconducting systems has been found by…

Marketing tricks: Keep your eyes peeled

Mountains of pepernoten, shelves full of chocolate letters and adverts showing the perfect Christmas table. With…

Natural disasters contribute to holiday travel delays

Holiday travel is stressful enough—we know we’re supposed to arrive at the airport early, give extra…

Using wood in electrodes for more durable, sustainable wearables

Wood fibres have been used by researchers in Sweden to create a new class of stronger…

Scratching the surface of perovskites

Versatile compounds called perovskites are valued for their application in next generation solar energy technologies. Despite…

Chemists create molecule that can help treat heart disease and detect viruses

RUDN University chemists together with colleagues from the Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany) have synthesized the…

Testing time for MetOp Second Generation

ESA’s ESTEC Test Centre in the Netherlands has completed its initial test campaign for the future…

ESA's Technology Strategy

ESA’s Technology Strategy Read ESA’s new Technology Strategy for space R&D into the 2020s …

Bright and efficient light without rare metals

Modern smartphone displays, as well as many other efficient light sources, contain costly and environmentally problematic…

Tawny crazy ants' weird genetics may help them thrive in new environments

Tawny crazy ants’ pattern of genetic inheritance may have helped the South American species spread in…