Rare gas find solves puzzle of Southern Africa's soaring landscape

The discovery of gases released from deep beneath the Earth’s crust could help to explain Southern…

RNA regulation is crucial for embryonic stem cell differentiation

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are distinguished by their dual ability to self-renew and their potential to…

Simultaneous measurement of biophysical properties and position of single cells in a microdevice

Tracking the lateral position of single cells and particles plays an important role in evaluating the…

NASA Highlights Science on 19th SpaceX Resupply Mission to Space Station

NASA Highlights Science on 19th SpaceX Resupply Mission to Space Station Click here for…

Deep-sea bacteria copy their neighbors' diet

In the deep sea, far away from the light of the sun, organisms use chemical energy…

NASA Announces Ninth Consecutive Clean Financial Audit Opinion

NASA Announces Ninth Consecutive Clean Financial Audit Opinion Click here for original story, NASA…

Light-sensing camera may help detect extraterrestrial life, dark matter

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have made one of the highest-performance…

The first high-speed straight motion of magnetic skyrmions at room temperature demonstrated

Researchers at Tohoku University have, for the first time, successfully demonstrated a formation and current-induced motion…

Olivine-norite rock detected by Yutu-2 likely crystallized from the SPA impact melt pool

The South Pole-Aitken (SPA) is the largest and deepest basin on the Moon, theoretically opening a…

A global 'toilet revolution' is underway, but it's polluting water and ignoring the urban poor

Don’t take toilets for granted. Their connection to a managed sewage disposal system protects you from…