ARISS Invites Proposals to Host Ham Radio Contacts with Space Station Crew

Click here for original story, ARISS Invites Proposals to Host Ham Radio Contacts with Space Station…

Combining spintronics and quantum thermodynamics to harvest energy at room temperature

Today’s energy-hungry global society is struggling with how to mitigate the effects of man-made climate change,…

Extinction Rebellion 'lose control of fake blood hose'

Climate change activists sprayed fake blood outside the Treasury – but the jet was too powerful. …

Thai marine biologist pleads for dugong conservation plan

A top marine biologist has urged Thailand’s government to speed up conservation plans for the dugong,…

Japan spacecraft releases rover to asteroid in last mission

Japan’s space agency says its Hayabusa2 spacecraft has released a small rover that will land on…

NASA's New Black Hole Model

NASA has produced a computer model of a black hole in 3D. An astrophysicist with NASA…

Scientists find toxic fungus near Australia's Great Barrier Reef

A highly poisonous fungus, with toxins that can be absorbed through the skin, has been identified…

Researchers raise the temperature for exciton condensation

New Cornell-led research is pointing the way toward an elusive goal of physicists—high-temperature superfluidity—by exploring excitons…

Paxi on the ISS: Inspirational Teachers

Our alien friend Paxi went to visit American astronaut Christina Koch on board the International Space…

Lake Maracaibo: polluted by a permanent black tide

Smelling like an oil refinery, the vast expanse of Lake Maracaibo has become polluted by its…