Turbocharging the body's natural killer cells to defeat cancer

Natural Killer (NK) cells have long been the soldiers of the immune system that prevents the…

Neurological brain markers might detect risk for psychotic disorders

People who may hear and see things that are not there could have symptoms of psychosis,…

Using Wi-Fi like sonar to measure speed and distance of indoor movement

Researchers have developed a technique for measuring speed and distance in indoor environments, which could be…

Astronomers Find A Golden Glow From A Distant Stellar Collision

On August 17, 2017, scientists made history with the first direct observation of a merger between…

Puerto Rico mobilizes as potential hurricane approaches

Puerto Rico has mobilized thousands of federal agents ahead of what threatens to be the first…

Crows consciously control their calls

Crows can voluntarily control the release and onset of their calls, suggesting that songbird vocalizations are…

Newly discovered giant planet slingshots around its star

Astronomers have discovered a planet three times the mass of Jupiter that travels on a long,…

Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) Station Registration Now Available

Click here for original story, Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) Station Registration Now Available …

Micro-X Sounding Rocket: Transitioning from First Flight to a Dark Matter Configuration

Micro-X Sounding Rocket: Transitioning from First Flight to a Dark Matter Configuration Click here…

The Spaceline: a practical space elevator alternative achievable with current technology

The Spaceline: a practical space elevator alternative achievable with current technology Click here for…