Researchers find evidence of possible link between herpes simplex and neurogenerative diseases

In a ‘first of its kind’ study, researchers found a potential direct connection between neurodegenerative diseases,…

Observation of quasi-equilibrium phase coexistence in supercritical fluids

A research team lays down the foundation for the expansion of supercritical fluid applications research. …

Scientists claim that overeating is not the primary cause of obesity

A perspective article challenges the ‘energy balance model,’ which says weight gain occurs because individuals consume…

Affordable housing in outer space: Scientists develop cosmic concrete from space dust and astronaut blood

Transporting a single brick to Mars can cost more than a million British pounds — making…

New method enables 3D microscopy of human organs

Researchers have now demonstrated a method by which specific cell types in human organs can be…

Quantum materials cut closer than ever

A new method designs nanomaterials with less than 10-nanometer precision. It could pave the way for…

Engineers grow pancreatic 'organoids' that mimic the real thing

Engineers developed a way to grow tiny replicas of the pancreas, using either healthy or cancerous…

Astronomers spot the same supernova three times — and predict a fourth sighting in 16 years

An enormous amount of gravity from a cluster of distant galaxies causes space to curve so…

Industry Leader Abby Dickes Joins Voyager Space as VP of Marketing

Industry Leader Abby Dickes Joins Voyager Space as VP of Marketing Click here for…

Northrop Grumman Supports Successful Flight Test for the Missile Defense Agency

Northrop Grumman Supports Successful Flight Test for the Missile Defense Agency Click here for…