'Whale ballet': Video shows 3 humpbacks jump in unison, a birthday surprise for man and daughters

A New Hampshire man celebrating his birthday on the ocean with his three daughters captured video…

Study: 800 great white sharks have visited Cape Cod in recent years

A new population study of great white sharks off Cape Cod shows that the region is…

Getting to the root of the problem in tree digital twin models

Trees have immeasurable societal benefits. They provide wood, absorb carbon dioxide, and shelter animals and insects,…

Blurring the line between planetary and human health spans

Days before the G7 Hiroshima Summit in May, scholars delivered a call to act on the…

New discovery shows tensile cracks can shatter classical speed limits, approach near-supersonic velocities

Researchers at the Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, have made a discovery that…

AWAKE introduces a stronger wave to accelerate particles

“Plasma wakefield acceleration is like surfing,” says Edda Gschwendtner, leader of the AWAKE accelerator R&D project…

How forests can cut carbon, restore ecosystems, and create jobs

To limit the frequency and severity of droughts, wildfires, flooding, and other adverse consequences of climate…

Teens need consistent positive messaging in multicultural environments, finds study

In an increasingly diverse, multicultural world, adolescents struggle academically in multicultural environments if they don’t receive…

Titanium Clouds Engulf This Ultrahot Neptune-like Planet

A cosmic mirror of sorts, this planet is the first of its size and location to…

Citizen science inspires kids to take local action

North Carolina State University researchers recently found that a program designed to get Girl Scouts involved…