Looking at how the brain reacts to boredom could help people cope

New WSU research shows people can be taught coping mechanisms to avoid negative responses to boring…

Highway medians are a source of food for wildlife

Vegetated highway medians are a proverbial buffet for small mammals, according to biologists. Animals such as…

Social context influences decision-makers' willingness to take risks

Do differences in performance have an impact on the appetite for risk-taking in decision-makers? Economists have…

New model forecasts anomalous growth patterns for substitutive products and behaviors

Data analysis shows that products that are considered to be substitutive in nature have a very…

Jurassic shift: Changing the rules of evolution

Is the success of species mainly dependent on environmental factors such as climate changes or do…

Scientists develop new method for studying early life in ancient rocks

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting traces of primordial life in ancient rock formations…

Key early steps for origin of life occur under a variety of conditions

Potential precursors to life on Earth form from a variety of complex mixtures, according to a…

Indications why older people are more susceptible to Alzheimer's disease

The risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases with age. Medical researchers have uncovered a possible cause…

Northrop Grumman Awarded Contract to Deliver Space-Based Broadband Communication Satellites to North Polar Region for Space Norway

Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded a contract by Space Norway to deliver its Arctic Satellite…

Launch Fairings Up: Second Lockheed Martin-Built GPS III Satellite Ready for July 25 Liftoff

The GPS satellite constellation is about to get its next heathy dose of new technology and…