Astronomers Map Vast Void In Our Cosmic Neighborhood

An astronomer from the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy and an international team published a…

Finding one's way in the rainforest

Knowing which direction to go in order to reach food or home is important for many…

Stopping child marriage with solar lanterns

Girls in Ethiopia are being given solar lamps to help stop child marriage and keep them…

The horrific consequences of rubber's toxic past

The appalling treatment of Congo’s rubber workers led to the world’s first photographic human rights campaign. …

Compensatory strategies to disguise autism spectrum disorder may delay diagnosis

The first scientific study of compensatory strategies — techniques to camouflage autism — finds that they…

Evolutionary gene loss may help explain why only humans are prone to heart attacks

Scientists say the loss of a single gene two to three million years ago in our…

Hit your head, lose your sense of smell

People who suffer even a mild concussion can find it difficult to identify smells in the…

Brain protein mutation from child with autism causes autism-like behavioral change in mice

A de novo gene mutation that encodes a brain protein in a child with autism has…

E. coli superbug strains can persist in healthy women's guts

A study of over 1,000 healthy women with no urinary tract infection symptoms showed nearly 9%…

Neil Armstrong’s Death, and a Stormy, Secret $6 Million Settlement

The astronaut’s sons contended that incompetent medical care had cost him his life, and threatened to…