Air pollution found to affect marker of female fertility in real-life study

Ovarian reserve, a term widely adopted to reflect the number of resting follicles in the ovary…

Puppy love: Choosing the perfect pooch poses challenges similar to dating

A psychologists who study relationship choice have found that when it comes to picking a canine…

'Flying salt shakers of death:' Fungal-infected 'zombie' cicadas

Cicadas can carry a fungus containing chemicals similar to those found in hallucinogenic mushrooms, making them…

Cyanide compounds discovered in meteorites may hold clues to the origin of life

Compounds containing iron, cyanide, and carbon monoxide discovered in carbon-rich meteorites by scientists may have helped…

These neurons affect how much you do, or don't, want to eat

Researchers have identified a network of neurons that coordinate with other brain regions to influence eating…

Pine woodland restoration creates haven for birds in Midwest

Researchers have shown in a new study that restoration of pine woodlands, through the combined use…

Common antidepressants interact with opioid med to lessen pain relief

Common antidepressants interact with the opioid pain medication tramadol to make it less effective for pain…

Apollo Mission Control Reopens in All Its Historic Glory

The Apollo Mission Control Center has been restored just in time to celebrate the 50th anniversary…

SwRI-led team studies binaries to make heads or tails of planet formation

SwRI-led team studies binaries to make heads or tails of planet formation Click here…

SNC Satellite Boosts U.S. Exploration & Research / DSX Successfully On-Orbit and Providing Data

SNC Satellite Boosts U.S. Exploration & Research / DSX Successfully On-Orbit and Providing Data …