M4 relief road: What is life like by the motorway?

The proposed motorway has been called an “attack on nature” by some and a “godsend” by…

New Beta Version of FT4 Now Available, Mock Contest Session Just Ahead

The WSJT-X Development Group has announced that a new beta version of the FT4 protocol now…

China Set to Launch New Amateur Satellite with “Sail Ball” Stabilization

Click here for original story, China Set to Launch New Amateur Satellite with “Sail Ball” Stabilization …

CAS-7B ( BP-1B ) amateur radio satellite now ready for launch

CAS-7B / BP-1B undergoing test CAS-7B ( BP-1B ) satellite is an amateur radio satellite combined…

ISS Daily Summary Report – 6/02/2019

SpaceX-17 Dragon Status: Today the crew completed cargo transfer into the Dragon vehicle followed by a…

Amateur Astronomers Gather For 'Star Parties'

Light pollution has taken away much of the night sky. But there are still places far…

India heatwave temperatures pass 50 Celsius

Temperatures passed 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit) in northern India as an unrelenting heatwave triggered warnings…

Connected champagne putting a cork in bogus bubbly

Champagne is now connected: Thanks to tracking technology, champagne houses now have tools to better guard…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 1 June 2019

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 1 June 2019 Click here for…

North Korea swine flu outbreak puts South on edge

South Korean troops stationed along the world’s last Cold War frontier have been put on high…