Personal connections matter to families taking care of kin during opioid crisis

For family members unexpectedly taking care of a relative’s child during the opioid crisis, it can…

How diluting ouzo liquor could lead to better emulsions

It sounds like a party trick: Add water to the clear, licorice-flavored ouzo liquor, and watch…

NASA's IBEX spacecraft resumes science operations

NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) is fully operational after the mission team successfully reset the spacecraft…

NASA gathering tools that can assess damage, verify parts made in space

An ensemble of microscopes, medical-style equipment, and other 3D scanners is providing insights that could help…

Plastic containers can contain PFAS, and it's getting into food

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame are adding to their list of consumer products that…

Paleontologists flip the script on anemone fossils

Billions of sea anemones adorn the bottom of the Earth’s oceans—yet they are among the rarest…

Undersea graveyard for imported CO2 opens in Denmark

Denmark inaugurates Wednesday a project to store carbon dioxide 1,800 meters beneath the North Sea, the…

Eruption at Hawaii's Kilauea volcano stops after 61 days

The latest eruption at Kilauea’s summit on Hawaii’s has paused after 61 days of volcanic activity. …

Blocking gene that inhibits root growth may enhance drought resistance in crops

A strong root system allows crops to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, but scientists…

Do school shootings increase stress-related emergency department visits in local communities?

New research in Contemporary Economic Policy reveals that school shootings may worsen mental health in surrounding…