Scientists develop way to identify topological materials

In the decades since they were first theorized, scientists have suggested that the exotic properties of…

Scientists develop way to identify topological materials

In the decades since they were first theorized, scientists have suggested that the exotic properties of…

Very bright fireball over New Jersey and Delaware

A very bright fireball was recorded over New Jersey and Delaware at 02:57 UTC on April…

Very bright fireball over New Jersey and Delaware

A very bright fireball was recorded over New Jersey and Delaware at 02:57 UTC on April…

Fast and selective optical heating for functional nanomagnetic metamaterials

In a recent article published in Nanoscale, researchers from the Nanomagnetism group at nanoGUNE have demonstrated…

Ericsson, Swisscom launch Europe’s first large scale 5G network

Telecom equipment manufacturer Ericsson said Wednesday it had launched the first European large scale commercial 5G…

Space-Based Infrared Interferometry to Study Exoplanetary Atmospheres

Abstract: The quest for other habitable worlds and the search for life among them are major…

The First NuSTAR Observation of 4U 1538-522: Updated Orbital Ephemeris and a Strengthened Case for an Evolving Cyclotron Line Energy

Abstract: We have performed a comprehensive spectral and timing analysis of the first NuSTAR observation of…

Can artificial intelligence help end fake news?

Fake news has already fanned the flames of distrust towards media, politics and established institutions around…

Spikes on trees in Oxford to ‘stop bird poo’

A wildlife campaigner says he believes the spikes are to stop birds from messing on cars.