Icy giant planets in the laboratory

Giant planets like Uranus and Neptune may contain much less free hydrogen than previously assumed. Researchers…

Icy giant planets in the laboratory

Giant planets like Uranus and Neptune may contain much less free hydrogen than previously assumed. Researchers…

Searching for missing anti-matter: A successful start to measurements with Belle II

Since March 25, 2019, the Belle II detector instrument in Japan has been measuring collisions of…

Searching for missing anti-matter: A successful start to measurements with Belle II

Since March 25, 2019, the Belle II detector instrument in Japan has been measuring collisions of…

A fascinating phase transition from one liquid state to another

A team at the University of Tokyo has described in unprecedented detail the rare phenomenon of…

A fascinating phase transition from one liquid state to another

A team at the University of Tokyo has described in unprecedented detail the rare phenomenon of…

Craft breweries increase residential property values

The craft brewery boom is good for home values. Using Charlotte, North Carolina, as a case…

Craft breweries increase residential property values

The craft brewery boom is good for home values. Using Charlotte, North Carolina, as a case…

X-ray Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Fe-Containing Phases in Terrestrial Field Environments and Implications for Materials Detected on Mars

Abstract: Recent analyses of X-ray diffraction (XRD) data from the CheMin instrument using the FULLPAT program…

Generating Excitement and Increasing Awaressness of NASA Planetary Science and Astromaterials Assets

Abstract: Students, educators, the public, and the scientific community are so often inspired by NASA science…