Evidence-based patient-psychotherapist matching improves mental health care

Psychotherapy researchers have found that mental health care patients matched with therapists who had a strong…

Weird warbler reveals genetics of its mismatched colors

An incredibly rare hybrid warbler with mismatched color patterns has allowed researchers to disentangle the genetic…

COVID-19 vaccine generates immune structures critical for lasting immunity

The first two COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration…

New molecule found in chestnut leaves disarms dangerous staph bacteria

Scientists isolated a molecule, extracted from the leaves of the European chestnut tree, with the power…

Using the ancient art of Kirigami to make an eyeball-like camera

Using Kirigami, the Japanese art of paper cutting, a mechanical engineer has developed a camera with…

Mountaintop glacier ice disappearing in tropics around the world

Mountaintop glacier ice in the tropics of all four hemispheres covers significantly less area — in…

Satellite unexpectedly detects a unique exoplanet

An exoplanet-hunting satellite has unexpectedly detected a third planet passing in front of its star while…

Mangrove forest study has takeaways for coastal communities

A new article shines light on the effect human-made infrastructure and natural topography has on coastal…

DNA data and modelling reveal potential spread of invasive species

Scientists have found that a marine invasive species – a sea squirt that lives on rocky…

Unusual prey: Spiders eating snakes

There are spiders that eat snakes. Observations of snake-eating spiders have been reported around the world.…