More than H2O: Technology simultaneously measures 71 elements in water, other liquids

A new method for simultaneous measurement of 71 inorganic elements in liquids—including water, beverages, and biological…

Antarctica’s hidden landscape shaped by rivers in warmer era

Antarctica's mountainous landscape was shaped by rivers rather than carved by glaciers as previously thought, a…

Sensual goddess fresco discovered in ancient Pompeii bedroom

Archaeologists have found in an ancient Pompeii bedroom a fresco depicting a sensual scene of a…

Communities flee eruption at Guatemala’s Volcano of Fire

About 4,000 residents fled Guatemala's Volcano of Fire Monday as red-hot rock and ash spewed into…

Solution for next generation nanochips comes out of thin air

Researchers at RMIT University have engineered a new type of transistor, the building block for all…

Tales from the Mars Science Laboratory Thermal Protection System Development (or, Try Not to Panic When Your Heatshield Material Disappears)

Abstract: In 2012, the entry vehicle for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission was the largest…

Why predicting the weather and climate is even harder for Australia’s rainy northern neighbours

Australians love to complain about weather forecasts, but compared with some other parts of the world…

New research suggests language influences how consumers trust a brand

Consumers make assumptions based on the language used by a brand or advertiser, and politeness does…

Violence toward women in the video game Red Dead Redemption 2 evokes toxic masculinity

It's common practice in the world of gaming for serious video game players to upload videos…

Making X-ray microscopy 10 times faster

Microscopes make the invisible visible. And compared to conventional light microscopes, transmission x-ray microscopes (TXM) can…