Houses in hurricane strike zones are built back bigger

A study of hurricane-hit areas of the United States has revealed a trend of larger homes…

Key players in the marine nitrogen cycle use cyanate and urea

The ammonia oxidizing archaea, or Thaumarchaeota, are among the most abundant marine microorganisms. Yet, scientists are…

Compelling evidence for small drops of perfect fluid

Nuclear physicists analyzing data from the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a U.S.…

Strep bacteria compete for ‘ownership’ of human tissue

A well-accepted principle in the animal kingdom—from wasps to deer—is that creatures already occupying a habitat…

City living makes urban male frogs far more attractive to females

Urban male túngara frogs have evolved more elaborate mating calls than their rural brothers, which make…

The Great Barrier Reef is fighting back by losing weak species

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef appears to be getting better at coping with heatwaves overall, as stronger…

Spray-on gel slows down the regrowth of tumours after cancer surgery

A spray applied to the wound left by cancer surgery encourages the immune system to attack…

Spray-on gel slows down the regrowth of tumours after cancer surgery

A spray applied to the wound left by cancer surgery encourages the immune system to attack…

Spray-on gel slows down the regrowth of tumours after cancer surgery

A spray applied to the wound left by cancer surgery encourages the immune system to attack…

The Great Barrier Reef is fighting back by losing weak species

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef appears to be getting better at coping with heatwaves overall, as stronger…