Euclid progresses with primary mirror delivery

In order to observe billions of faint galaxies and investigate the nature of the dark Universe,…

World Toilet Day highlights global sanitation crisis

Poor countries around the world are facing a dangerous shortage of toilets that puts millions of…

Carlos Ghosn, the auto world’s ‘cost killer’

Brazilian-born Carlos Ghosn has long stood out among the world's auto executives as a hard-nosed workaholic…

A sharing economy for plants: Seed libraries are sprouting up

Thanksgiving may be uniquely American, but its core spirit was exported from harvest festivals stretching back…

The equivalence test: A new way for scientists to tackle so-called negative results

A paleontologist returns to her lab from a summer dig and sets up a study comparing…

With each rocket launch, ‘I have three heart attacks’

Kurt Eberly has hardly any hair and keeps losing more. His job is to launch, two…

More than H2O: Technology simultaneously measures 71 elements in water, other liquids

A new method for simultaneous measurement of 71 inorganic elements in liquids—including water, beverages, and biological…

Antarctica’s hidden landscape shaped by rivers in warmer era

Antarctica's mountainous landscape was shaped by rivers rather than carved by glaciers as previously thought, a…

Sensual goddess fresco discovered in ancient Pompeii bedroom

Archaeologists have found in an ancient Pompeii bedroom a fresco depicting a sensual scene of a…

Communities flee eruption at Guatemala’s Volcano of Fire

About 4,000 residents fled Guatemala's Volcano of Fire Monday as red-hot rock and ash spewed into…