Ocean Health Index releases seventh annual assessment of global ocean health

Today the Ocean Health Index (OHI) released its seventh assessment of global ocean health. Like the…

Record levels of mercury released by thawing permafrost in Canadian Arctic

Permafrost thaw slumps in the western Canadian Arctic are releasing record amounts of mercury into waterways,…

Seven steps to save the planet: How to take on climate change and win

It's the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced, but we can keep global warming to within…

Seven steps to save the planet: How to take on climate change and win

It's the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced, but we can keep global warming to within…

Widespread decrease in wind energy resources found over the Northern Hemisphere

As climate change is becoming a greater matter of concern, efforts on mitigation are being undertaken…

LIGO supercomputer upgrade will speed up groundbreaking astrophysics research

In 2016, an international team of scientists found definitive evidence—tiny ripples in space known as gravitational…

Here’s why data breaches like the one at Marriott are ‘treasure troves for spammers’

The massive data breach revealed by Marriott International sheds light on what hackers often do with…

Can space help us understand our cells?

Do astronauts' brains get bigger in space? The answer may be found in 10 small containers…

Madagascar: fear and violence making rainforest conservation more challenging than ever

People are too afraid to return to the village so they are sleeping in the forest…

New Research, Hardware Headed to Space Station

Experiments in forest observation, protein crystal growth and in-space fuel transfer demonstration are heading to the…