Design for flooding: How cities can make room for water

Science is clearly showing that the world is shifting towards a more unstable climate. Weather events…

Meet the remote Indigenous community where a few thousand people use 15 different languages

On Australia's remote north-central coast, the small community of Maningrida is remarkable for many reasons. It…

Structure of electrolyte controls battery performance

The research team at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology…

What younger people can learn from older people about using technology

Older people are often portrayed in the media as being technically challenged. Jokes are often shared…

Game-on for UK’s Team Tao in ocean XPRIZE final

A UK-based team arrives in Greece for the grand final of a contest to find innovative…

Research shows how journalists are faring after redundancy

As many as 3,000 journalism jobs are estimated to have been lost in Australia this decade,…

Researchers advance biomass transformation process

Biomass can serve as a renewable source for both energy and carbon. Acetone, n-butanol, and ethanol…

Nepal attempts record with a Dead Sea of plastic bags

Young Nepalis created a map of the Dead Sea with used plastic bags Wednesday in a…

Russian tech giant Yandex unveils first smartphone

Russian internet giant Yandex on Wednesday launched its first ever smartphone, ending several weeks of suspense…

Google’s robotic spinoff launches ride-hailing service

Google's self-driving car spinoff is finally ready to try to profit from its nearly decade-old technology.