Partisanship runs deep in America – even among ‘independents’

In voting, it doesn't really matter which party you register with on paper.

Legal cannabis vs. black market: Can it compete?

The Oct. 17 launch of legal recreational cannabis in Canada brings many challenges. Retailers are now…

Protein derived from cottonseed for human nutrition one step closer to reality

Cottonseed ground into flour to deliver protein to millions of people, a project to which Dr.…

Combined X-ray and fluorescence microscope reveals unseen molecular details

A research team from the University of Göttingen has commissioned a worldwide unique microscope combination at…

Fish undisturbed by flash photography

Fish experience stress, as do mammals and humans. When under stress, fish release the hormones adrenaline…

Eighty tons of illegal bluefin tuna pose a threat to sustainable fisheries and human health

Spanish authorities announced the arrest of 76 people involved in a large illegal trade of bluefin…

Are two parents better than one? Yes, but only if you’re a burying beetle

Parenting behaviour varies greatly across the animal kingdom. In most mammals, only mothers look after the…

Cellular clean-up crews linked to how body handles sugar

How our bodies handle glucose—the simple sugar that provides energy from the food we eat—appears to…

Researchers investigate the peculiar radio source IC 1531

An international team of researchers has investigated a peculiar extragalactic radio source known as IC 1531.…

Cellular stress defense

Small heat-shock proteins (sHSPs) are molecular chaperones that bind to unfolded proteins to prevent protein aggregation…