Completing the BepiColombo stack

Engineers prepare the BepiColombo Mercury Transfer Module for integration with the two science orbiters.

Completing the BepiColombo stack

Engineers prepare the BepiColombo Mercury Transfer Module for integration with the two science orbiters.

Completing the BepiColombo stack

Engineers prepare the BepiColombo Mercury Transfer Module (left) and the two science orbiters (right) for integration…

Completing the BepiColombo stack

Engineers prepare the BepiColombo Mercury Transfer Module for integration with the two science orbiters.

Completing the BepiColombo stack

Engineers prepare the BepiColombo Mercury Transfer Module (left) and the two science orbiters (right) for integration…

Completing the BepiColombo stack

Engineers prepare the BepiColombo Mercury Transfer Module for integration with the two science orbiters.

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