Space launch training cooperation

The 30th Space Wing and 45th Space Wing launch training teams recently came together to gain…

Hypervolatiles in a Jupiter-Family Comet: Observations of 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova Using iSHELL at the NASA-IRTF [STUB]

Abstract: We used the new high spectral resolution cross-dispersed facility spectrograph, iSHELL, at the NASA Infrared…

Parts of Hawaii under hurricane watch as Lane approaches

Part of the Hawaiian islands were put under a hurricane watch Tuesday as major Hurricane Lane…

Parts of Hawaii under hurricane watch as Lane approaches

Part of the Hawaiian islands were put under a hurricane watch Tuesday as major Hurricane Lane…

Reminder: Your smartphone is likely tracking your location

A new lawsuit accusing Google of tracking people's locations against their will has served as a…

Reminder: Your smartphone is likely tracking your location

A new lawsuit accusing Google of tracking people's locations against their will has served as a…

EPA moves to dramatically cut regulation of coal power

The Trump administration moved to dismantle another major piece of President Barack Obama's environmental legacy on…

Two koalas die in a month at Belgian zoo

Two of the three koalas at a top Belgian zoo have died in the space of…

NASA sees a 50 mile wide eye in Typhoon Soulik

NASA's Aqua satellite provided forecasters with a look at Typhoon Soulik's cloud top temperatures and 50…

NASA sees the spiraling in Typhoon Cimaron

Bands of thunderstorms were spiraling into the center in Typhoon Cimaron when NASA's Aqua satellite passed…