NASA’s cancellation of VIPER is a frustrating setback for lunar exploration

Clive Neal, professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences (CEEES) in his office. (Photo…

Fermi Telescope finds new feature in brightest gamma-ray burst yet seen

A jet of particles moving at nearly light speed emerges from a massive star in this…

Perseverance rover discovers rock with potential signs of ancient life

“Cheyava Falls” (left) shows the dark hole where NASA’s Perseverance took a core sample; the white…

A pair of CubeSats using ground penetrating radar could map the interior of near-Earth asteroids

This illustration shows the ESA’s Hera spacecraft and its two CubeSats at the binary asteroid Didymos.…

Image: A Saturnian summer

Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Simon (Goddard Space Flight Center), M.H. Wong (University of California, Berkeley), and…

NASA says no return date yet for astronauts and Boeing capsule at space station

This photo provided by NASA shows the Starliner spacecraft docked to the Harmony module of the…

Creation of a deep learning algorithm to detect unexpected gravitational wave events

The gravitational wave signal received at a LIGO detector (orange), overlain by a theoretical predictions from…

Carbon oxides on Uranus’ moon Ariel hint at hidden ocean, Webb telescope reveals

The surface of Uranus’ moon Ariel is coated with a significant amount of carbon dioxide ice,…

Dark matter flies ahead of normal matter in mega galaxy cluster collision

This artist’s concept shows what happened when two massive clusters of galaxies, collectively known as MACS…

Next-generation Event Horizon Telescope to unlock mysteries of black holes

Impact of scattering on the observed polarimetric spiral phase from one 345 GHz frame of the…